Events & Stories


The new moon nearest the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, this year appeared on February 10, and with it renovated hopes. Joanna Wu, invite us to an unforgettable experience.

El 25 nada mejor que ver a Messi como buen patriota, el 26 nos juntamos al mediodía para choripanear y matear, y más tarde terminamos viendo el show de Los Cafres. Sounds like a plan!


Juliana Lattif, our well known Jula, performs in a great band that join the dots between shoegaze, dream pop, and post-punk.


Felicidades a todos los argentinos de aquí y de allá!

Writers and readers, families and friends, kids and adults, Latinos and rest of the world. Everybody had fun chatting, enjoying a mate, listening to gaucho stories, or reading a passage with the author.


For the 5th consecutive year and for the first time in Coquitlam, our great friend and author Silvana Goldemberg organized the Fair where many Latin writers get together and offer their books in an event to learn and socialize.

We closed our summer events with an Argentinian duetto at World Carnival event

Con orgullo hacemos pública la invitación a Ensamble Rosario para que ofrezca conciertos, conferencias y masterclass en British Columbia, Canadá

Agradecemos a todos quienes pasaron a vistarnos


Se acerca otro 10 de noviembre, un nuevo día de la tradición en homenaje a otro escorpiano, José Hernández, quien diera vida a nuestro emblemático gaucho Martín Fierro, un argentino con todas las de la ley.